Making it a Solar Powered Saturn

Big plans are now set for changing the Saturn to a Solar Powered Car. No panels on the hood, top and trunk. Actually plan to install a 7.2 kwh solar system on the repair shop at Lynn Auto Repair and charge the Saturn off it. That still would make it a Solar Powered Vehicle. Installing…

Show and Tell at Car Show

Showed the Electric Saturn at it’s first car show today. Good interest, lots of questions. Won a trophy for weirdest car. Just kidding, everyone got a trophy. Show was for the local emergency rescue, good cause. Some of questions were how fast, answer have got her up to 80 mph; how far? 37 miles is…

Maintenance and Next Steps after 4000 EV miles

After driving a full electric powered vehicle for only 6 months and 4000 miles I am still acquiring knowledge. But some things I have learned. Reliable… No breakdowns except for in December when the charger quit and lost ability to drive vehicle for over a week. I now have 2 chargers see and…

Oil Addiction and The Electric Grid

As I drive every day in this 100% electric vehicle I ponder questions bigger then me and my grasp of the world. It don’t take much to overload my circuits. What about the future of the automobile in the western world? How much are Americans ready to give up, to save energy? How will we…

Video of Acceleration with 4 Gauges and Timer

Here I video the Saturn accelerating from a stop, shifting through the gears observing the 4 gauges, from the left are the voltmeter, speedometer, tachometer and amp meter. My wife videoed this after church with me driving. The battery pack had been driven about 9 miles since the last charge. I am not trying to…

Wiring Diagram For Finished Tachometer

Here is the simple wiring diagram for the tach. Seems easy once it’s all over. I guess like after the invention of the wheel or the screw. Make sure, 6 teeth evenly spaced and a sensor like this Cherry that generates what I call a square wave not a analog wave.

Success, Original Equipment Tachometer Works

Using the Thomas Edison saying again “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ” See : Well almost 10,000 ways, but now the tachometer is recording the exact revolutions per minute of the DC electric motor.   In the other three posts on this issue I…

Cheater Heater

It is cold you know, especially you Yankees and Canadians know, so I bought one of the oil filled heaters. I plug it in at night, in the back floorboard, turn it on low. When I get up in the morning the insides of the Saturn are nice and warm and stay that way until…