Getting the Lead Out

The LiFePo4 Thundersky 160ah batteries are ordered from EV Components (added note: They are now bankrupt!!!). They should arrive in late April.


Front Lead Acids just before removal.

The battery management system (BMS) I decided on is the Elithion also from EV Components. I most trust someone and the convincing argument points were; one, an extra year of warranty (may need it with this new technology) if I purchase a BMS from EVComponents with the battery pack, and two, the info that at least 7 of the [[|Qualified Teams]] for the [[|XPrize Automotive]] over 100 mph contest, use the Elithion BMS. Must be a good system.

So here are some pictures of the removal of the lead acid batteries. Why post pictures of old batteries, the left over acid and corrosion from them? To see some of the negatives to lead acid as a traction battery.

I was glad to have them when they arrived and the boxes made and batteries installed. I was glad when the vehicle performed well, transportation for 8,000 all electric miles. But now that they are worn-out ( prematurely because of the charger overcharge issue) I see the stress put on this technology, powering an electric automobile is hard work, the immense weight of each individual battery and the collective pack (over 1100 pounds) and the acid damage. Even if the pack had lasted as long as some claim, 16,000 miles, wonder how it would look at 160,000 miles and 10 sets of lead acid batteries? So next year I should have some ideas of lead-acid verses Lithium in the LiFePo4 form.


Cables off

Cables off

Underhood UPPER batteries removed

Underhood UPPER batteries removed

Underhood with upper battery BRACKETS removed

Underhood with upper battery BRACKETS removed

Underhood LOWER batteries removed

Underhood LOWER batteries removed

Rear Battery Boxes with Lead Acid Batteries

Rear Battery Boxes with Lead Acid Batteries

Rear battery box with cables removed

Rear battery box with cables removed

Middle battery box with one battery removed

Middle battery box with one battery removed

IMG_0407Middle battery box with last lead acid almost out: Look at the size of these 64 pound babies, HEAVY! After removing these I decided I would not ever use these again, I am too old. 52 years old, bad back, knees, one rotator cuff torn. I weigh  162 pounds.

IMG_0408Lead acids used up. Out of Saturn, what to do with now?

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